Taking care of your mental and emotional health is fundamental to living a healthy life, yet in almost all factors of the Health and Wellness Industry, it is glossed over or ignored completely. Fundamental Health was created with the goal of overcoming the negative stigma surrounding mental health and attending therapy. In the midst of what is truly an epidemic of anxiety, depression, addiction, and suicide in our country, Fundamental Health is rebranding the thoughts surrounding therapy to focus on a routine, preventative approach to creating and maintaining mental health and happy relationships.
Fundamental Health prioritizes the M.I.N.D.
I make the path to total health easy with the acronym, M.I.N.D.:
Movement – Regular exercise is proven to boost mood and productivity. Physical fitness cannot be best attained without a focus on mental health, and vice versa.
Intention – Creating and meeting a goal is a surefire way to find meaning and positivity in your day-to-day actions.
Nourishment – What you put in your body positively or negatively effects its functioning. I work from an integrative nutrition perspective, but more importantly, focus on finding the direction to feed and fulfill your deeper wants and needs
Deep Connections – As human beings, we are wired for personal connection, and ironically social media leaves more people feeling lonely and isolated. I work to help you find those like you to create meaningful, fulfilling relationships.