Lindsey offers two unique one-on-one coaching packages for you to optimize success, your relationships and your health in & out of the office.
Not sure which package is perfect for you? Want to learn more about the package? Ready to sign up?
Click the button below to sign up for your 30-minute inquiry call.
Learn to master you own MIND with this 8 week, one-on-one, coaching program.
Your 8-week program includes:
– 90 minute strategizing session to co-create a plan specific to your needs
– 8 weeks of 50-minute sessions to teach skills, challenge patterns, and hold you accountable to change needed
– Accelerated content/homework/challenges unique to you
– 1 Barrier Breakthrough Session
– Access to the MIND Master Private FB Group; It can feel lonely at the top, so it’s helpful to grow with others in this same place of leveling up!
– MIND Master Planner to keep you on track every day
– MIND Master hat unique only to those who have successfully completed the program
Booked as individual appointments, this 90-minute session allows us to co-create a plan specific to your needs.
The plan is focused around an 8 week strategy to help you achieve your goals with weekly challenges.
And you’ll receive the MIND Master Planner to keep you on track every day!